I wanted to tackle the issue of single use, specifically non recyclable/compostable, plastics used in the food industry so I created a typeface that would encourage shops and companies to turn to more environmentally friendly packaging alternatives. The typeface would act as a global certification system or seal of approval that proves that the packaging/product is made from compostable materials. In order to use this typeface companies/shops must have their packaging/product tested and certified by a third-party organisation such as; European Bioplastics, The International Organization for Standardization, The Biodegradable Products Institute, etc. I wanted to give people more power and influence over shops/companies. This typeface would be something that people would look for and would want to buy, therefore putting pressure on shops/companies to supply this type of packaging and process involved such as composting facilities/drop offs. It had to be something that people would recognise instantly; this is why it has an earthy, organic feel. Some of the illustrative elements used have plants growing which, even if someone can not understand the words, the imagery alone should be associated with soil, growth and composting.